Gardner Tromp / 2022-04-16 19:33:04 / 0 Comments

7 Remote Jobs That Give You a Chance to Travel the World

A remote job gives you the chance to travel the world while earning income, which sounds like an ideal combination of career and vacation. Unfortunately, many companies are hesitant to hire workers who can't commute to the office daily, but there are still plenty of remote jobs out there where you can work from anywhere in the world you want. Here are some ideas for how to find remote jobs that give you the chance to travel the world.

1. Freelance Writer

Freelance writing is one of those great jobs that offers not only an income but also travel opportunities. With enough discipline, you can earn an income from home and have travel expenses covered. This is perfect for any location-independent worker who wants to make money from a remote job while traveling. Depending on where you're looking, you can find more than 100 different freelance writing jobs on Upwork alone. All it takes is a little research and some dedication.


2. Virtual Assistant

This type of job is one of the more popular remote jobs. Virtual assistants provide professional administrative and creative services over email, chat or phone. If you have business experience, then you're already well on your way—many people who start as virtual assistants go on to become small-business owners. Alternatively, if you don't have much experience but are comfortable using technology like Gmail, Word and Excel (or similar programs), then it might be a good fit for you too.

Virtual assistant

3. Online ESL Teaching

Teaching English online is another recommended remote job for those who want to travel. If you're already on an advanced level of English, it might be worth your while. There are numerous sites where you can teach English as a second language online. The largest ones are iTalki and Verbalplanet . For those who have experience in education or just want to test out their skills before taking up full-time work, teaching English through Skype and similar platforms can be great way to earn money as well as travel and explore new cultures around the world.

Online ESL

4. Data Entry

Many data entry jobs can be performed remotely and they typically do not require specialized skills. A little training is often all that's needed to get started, and these positions are relatively easy for employers to fill. These jobs may allow you to set your own hours, although many will require you work during certain hours of the day or on a regular schedule. If you have basic computer skills, there are plenty of remote data entry jobs available.

Data entry

5. Travel Blogger

If you're an avid world traveler, you know that one of the best ways to live and work abroad is by blogging. Though there are different requirements for different countries, in most cases, you need only create your own website with articles in English and make it available online (or reach out to local tourist boards). The possibilities are endless: write about your travels or connect other bloggers with sites around their home country.


6. Day Trader

There's no better way to travel than as a trader on Wall Street. Day traders do all of their work remotely, so they can live and work wherever they choose. And trading stocks can be lucrative—in 2011, it's estimated that day traders made $350 billion in revenue! The downside is that you have to be extremely disciplined; many people give up after just a few months. But if you're able to make it through your first year, you could easily make more money than any other type of remote job out there.

Day trader

7. Social Media Manager

There are tons of job opportunities for social media managers, who oversee big brands on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Their job is to engage customers and build followers. You'll likely have an educational background in marketing, communications or a related field. If you like interacting with people online and feel comfortable in front of a camera or speaking in public (or just want an excuse to take pictures of your travels), then it's worth looking into becoming one of these remote workers.