Ray Wisoky / 2021-10-03 08:25:34 / 0 Comments

How to Keep Your Cats Happy While Keeping Them Indoors

A new study has found that roaming pet cats are killing millions of native animals every year. In order to protect our wildlife from being hunted down by domesticated house cats, it's really important that we keep them inside.

Some people might think barring cats from coming inside is harsh. But it's the cats' best interest and helps you maintain control of the environment (e.g., outdoor pest population). We want to provide a safe place for our cats and keep them from being exposed to things that can harm them.

The more they go out, the more likely they’ll die sooner

Cats can live healthier, longer lives if environmental dangers are eliminated. If they're only allowed to go inside or out in contained areas then it is impossible for them to come into contact with any of the common or more serious causes of life-threatening illnesses.

The worst things that can happen to animals crossing the street is being injured or killed by a vehicle. Cats are claimed to be less cognizant of the dangers of traffic for those that have never encountered it.

Outdoor cat

Other animals are capable of hurting cats. Dogs are one example. Ask a veterinarian and it’s common for them to see cats with teethmarks all over their body after being attacked by dogs.

Other animals that can harm your pet are the following:

  • Monitor lizards
  • Dingoes
  • Snakes
  • Racoons
  • Coyotes
  • Urban foxes

Fact: Cats are territorial. Unneutered males are even more aggressive, fighting with other cats in their territory. Cats that fight are typically infected by the feline immunodeficiency virus, which can spread to other cats in your home. This is a serious health concern for you and your pets. 

They are prone to poisoning!

Here's how it can happen: Cats that eat poisoned mice or rats will also be poisoned themselves. Other plants that are toxic to cats include lilies and anti-freeze. They can sometimes be maliciously poisoned by other people especially if they are finding ways to keep cats away from their backyard.


Is denying cats the opportunity to go outside inhumane?

The more we learn about cats, the more we realize that they can be very content living indoors if their needs are met. 

And did you know that a lot of cat owners aren't taking good care of their indoor cats? Research even found that this was worst when it came to food and toileting.

Pets with obesity and more health-related complaints have been on the rise so it's best to be more attentive to their diet from now on.

In order to properly take care of your cat, you need to make sure they have sanitary living conditions. Cats are want a clean litter box that will have their smell. It is best to keep your cat's food in a different room from their toilet. That way, they are less likely to have any accidents near the litter box.

Indoor cat

Your cat may have problems with being restless or unhappy if you do not provide environments that replicate what it is looking for. You can provide your cats with a range of toys to play with inside the house, including cat trees and other unique items.

Here are some simple things you could do to make your cat happy. These recommendations come from a study that focused on cat behavior in small apartments:

1. More vertical spaces 

It's not all about you! If you can find space, also make room for cat furniture that has vertical dimensions. Cat's want to climb up, not across. You should provide places for them to climb like window sills or shelves, rather than horizontal ledges like the tops of chairs. 

2. Clear windows are a must

Cats are natural-born hunters. They love to observe their prey through windows, which is why you should make sure they have a view of the outside world by placing stands near windows.

Cats near clear windows

3. Put in good security measures to keep them inside

Screens on windows are crucial, but if not, then you can get the “high rise syndrome”, which means that your cats are falling from 2 stories or above which can lead to serious injuries. Automatic closing mechanisms on front doors are also important to prevent this.

4. Provide them with scratching posts

Cats need to be given access to appropriate scratching posts so they have the opportunity to get exercise. Cats need a place to sharpen their claws and we can help them out with that. Provide both vertical and horizontal scratching surfaces in the right locations and they''ll be in good shape.

5. Baskets are like shelters

Cats need multiple places where they feel safe and secure. You can provide them with these by setting up cat baskets to different heights and putting blankets or igloos inside the baskets. For instance, put one on the floor and another on top of a wardrobe.

In addition, cats are more tolerant of heat than their canine counterparts and will seek out warm places. You can create some cat beds by placing them inside baskets or on furniture near the heater

6. Give them a companion or something to keep them busy

The average cat needs only one companion to get themselves out of any tricky situation. One cat will usually just sleep while you're away and look forward to seeing you again. 3 or more cats are not recommended, since they may fight and interfere with each other's health and welfare.

Cats love to play and they don’t need to be expensive toys. Ping pong balls are generally inexpensive, with paper balls being a good alternative for cats that are looking to get their exercise in. Cat exercise wheels are typically more expensive but can provide hours of fun, while also providing intense physical activity for your feline friend.

7. Practice regular grooming

Keep your cat looking their best with regular brushings with the type of brush they enjoy. Not only does this feel good for them, it also helps prevent tangles and those annoying hairballs.

8. Raw food should be added to their diet

If you want your cat to eat more natural foods, try some raw chicken. It not only provides healthier alternatives to processed foods but also that "I have my food" feeling. Cats are quite clever when it comes to getting dinner. Quite often, they'll hold their food in their paws until the last possible moment but not before banging the drumstick on the ground a few times. This way, they're rewarded with an even tastier meal that makes them much calmer and more content.